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African cichlids "sick-lids"

Where are they from?

Three lakes inside the Rift Valley in Africa. Lake Malawi, Victoria and Tanganyika.


Why Cichlids?

Malawi cichlids were introduced as an aquarium fish in the 1960s and since then have grown into one of if not the most popular fresh water fishes. Thanks to there amazing colours, relative ease to look after, interesting behaviour and breeding rituals cichlids will probably remain there for along time to come. If you stick to this guide we are sure that you will become as enthusiastic as we are about are much loved African cichlids. and they will reward you with there fantastic colours fascinating behaviour.

Getting started

The most important place to start is the position of your aquarium. It should never be in direct sunlight. algae will grow on the glass/acrylic of the aquarium and result in daily cleaning. Day light should also be prevented from entering the back of the aquarium. The best way is with an adhesive background or 3D background both of which are available within are site. The size of your aquarium usually depends on the space available within your home.  We understand that not everyone can a huge aquarium but with aquariums like other things bigger is always better. it is easier to maintain large volumes of water as it has better buffering capability's and changes in water quality and chemistry are slower.

Caves & rocks

Caves are essential when it comes to having a happy breeding community of African cichlids. Some form of protection should be added to the bottom of your tank like a sheet of thin Styrofoam/egg crate to protect from big rocks. The Biggest Base rocks should be placed in the tank before adding gravel or sand. this will help to prevent collapse when your cichlids dig. Then by dividing your rocks into what we call "roof rocks" and "filling rocks". Roof rocks are rocks that are large but thin that can bridge between the base rocks already in your aquarium taking care to make sure they fit snug with no wobbling or balancing. Filling rocks are small and used to fill any gaps between the base and the roof. If you make your caves big enough for the fish to do there ritual with one entrance so they cannot be disturbed from any other direction, you will find that your fish will hold on too most of if not all the eggs they lay compared to a 360 degree hole in the gravel were there vulnerable to attack from every direction.Males from rock dwelling cichlids are shyer than the female and when scared like to retreat to there caves, without such caves they are unlikely to breed or show there best colours. as for sand dwelling cichlids they retreat to deeper water and prefer dark corners to recover from stress.



Cichlids contrary to many beliefs show better coloration, and probably feel better when lighting is low. so one fluorescent tube any type you prefer is sufficient. Aquarium plants need more light but seen as many cichlid  like to uproot and chew plants you’ve probably decided to go with fake plants to add colour to your aquarium. If you do like to have real plants then 2 to 3 tubes the length of the aquarium are required. just be advised cichlids don’t show their best colour when under such light. Here at C&M we have been experimenting with different types and colours of lights and have found over the years that waterproof L.E.Ds produce excellent colour with no adverse affects on the fish. weather its just pure white , or a combination of various colours such as Red and Blue. we find that the Red with White L.E.Ds produces the best colours. Blue alone adds depth and Red alone encourages breeding behaviour. We would recommend just using red or blue for  a few hours on an evening before you go to bed to create natural light fade to dark. L.E.Ds and extra advice are available within are site.

Decoration & background

Cichlids as with many other fish can see through the glass of your aquarium and react to what is going on in your home. This is the main reason why the background is the most important part of your decor. it is advised that one if not both sides and the back of your aquarium has some type of background. although its not always right for your viewing.  Here at C&M you can create your own adhesive background with your own image or an image from our selection of unique landscape images.

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